As many of you in Manitoba may know, the province instituted new Public Health Orders on Friday, December 17. These new health measures were in response to the Covid-19 Omicron variant. These new measures are quite extensive, and they impose significant limitations on religious gatherings in the province. The imposition of these new Public Health Orders has required us to make some critical decisions regarding Missionfest Manitoba.
While we have purchased the technology and are confident in our capacity to present Missionfest Manitoba as a virtual event, we do not feel that is the best option for our exhibitors or those who have attended and supported the event for the past 30 years. We had announced previously that we would be hosting a Hybrid Event, holding the in-person event, while also utilizing the value-added capabilities of our Virtual Event technology. We still feel that this decision best serves the interests of our exhibitors and puts us in the best position to accomplish our purposes. With these considerations in mind, we are announcing a change of date for Missionfest Manitoba 2022. Missionfest Manitoba 2022 will be held on April 29, 30 and May 1, 2022. We will still be meeting at Church of the Rock in Winnipeg. Our plenary speakers have not changed. Nor has our intention to accommodate in-person exhibitor displays. Though changing the date is not ideal, we do hope it allow us to proceed in the best way possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. This year’s Missionfest Manitoba 2022 is set for April 29 - May 1. With some of the restrictions to gatherings like ours because of the Covid pandemic, we have taken several measures to expand our reach and share Missionfest Manitoba 2022 as widely as possible. Therefore, we have chosen not only to hold the in-person event in our Winnipeg venue, but also to produce a virtual event along with the live event. To do this, we have created a virtual event app through which we will live-stream not only all the plenary sessions, but the app will give virtual participants access to all of the breakout sessions and allow them to visit all of our exhibitors virtually as well. This virtual format also gives us another opportunity. We will be able to live-stream the event to other venues in locations where access to the event is normally not available. With this in mind, Missionfest Manitoba is looking for churches in NW Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan that would be willing to serve as satellite sites. As a satellite site host, a church would agree to do at least three things. The satellite site locations would:
You may, of course, wish to participate in more than just the opening session. Some satellite sites may wish to live-stream both the Friday opening session, as well as the Sunday afternoon closing session. Some sites may wish to host all the plenary sessions - the opening and closing sessions and the three plenary sessions on Saturday. All our satellite sites, regardless of the level at which they chose to participate, will be helping to expose people to the need to share the gospel around the world and opportunities that we all have to participate in that endeavor. If you and your church are interested in promoting world missions and are willing to serve as a satellite site for Missionfest Manitoba, please fill out the form below: |